© Martin Kull

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Site reinstalled

The site has been upside down for some time, but is now getting back in shape. The reason for the problems was caused by some beta release hiccups in the way Koken and Lightroom work together (or rather not). I have now re installed the whole thing and will not use Lightroom direct uploads.

  • Discussion forum added

    I have added Disqus discussion forum to the site. The discussion area is found at the bottom of a page with a specific photo. Please use it for giving feedback, comments or just chatting. Oh yes - I have also added a publishing link directly from my…

    Seal pup close encounter

    A short stroll in the neighborhood (Vaxholm, Bogesund) turned out to become a seven hour photo walk. Spring is here, it is still a bit chilly and the green is yet to come. At a cape called Broknäs, but also named "the Paradise" by the locals I stumbled…