© Martin Kull

2016 Glacier Buerbrea (Norway)  

Day 1, approaching Buerbrea

Steep ascent from Buer

Approaching lower Buerbrea

Buerelva starts as a small rapid below the glaciers

Big jump

Måns, Catrin, Viveka and Martin

Måns scouts descent routes

Climbing higher above Buerdalen

Cotton grass at high altitude

After we have tied in, we are on the blue ice!


Heading back to lower Buerbrea, over a crest

Well deserved rest overviewing lower Buerbrea

A steep descent in the green

After 10 hours of hard hiking only 30 meters of wild white water stood between us and the path home . . .

Viveka is the first one to make it over the rapid - tough!

Next one Martin and then Catrin, now heavy rain and +8 degrees C

and finally Måns takes the leap

Day two starts in Odda