This is where the new year starts!
New years party in Auckland
Arataki Visitor Centre in Waitakere Ranges
Hiking in Waitakere Ranges
Kitekite falls
On top of Kitekite falls
Like a plant shop at home
Surf class at Piha beach
Famous silhouette Lions rock at Piha beach
Stormy waves and pool at Piha beach
Mercer bay loop
Karekare Beach. This is where the movie "The Piano" was shot.
Waio-tapu geothermal area
Green Lake Ngakoro
Resort Mount Maunganu
World class Mountain Bike Rotorua in Whakarewarewa
More than 160 kms of single track trails in the magic Redwood forest
Love the Fern trees!
Approach on Tongariro alpine crossing
Todays goal - Mount Ngauruhoe 2 291 m. Last eruption in 1977.
Almost there. Stunning views over Mount Tongariro and the volcanic lakes
Rewarding cool snow close to the top, mixed with small volcanic steam outlets.
Finally on the crater rim